
Sabrina Pyun Assistant Editor Scribner

About the Editor

Editor photo of Sabrina  Pyun

Sabrina Pyun, Assistant Editor, came to Scribner in 2019 and assists Nan Graham. Her forthcoming books include See: Loss. See Also: Love. by Yukiko Tominaga and The Perfect Home by Daniel Kenitz. She also acquired the rights to reissue Ursula K. Le Guin’s essay collection The Language of the Night. Additionally, she is the editor for the updated edition of Of Dice and Men by David M. Ewalt, the reissued classic The Lathe of Heaven by Ursula K. Le Guin, and Dear Chrysanthemums by Fiona Sze-Lorrain, which was longlisted for the Andrew Carnegie Medal for Excellence in Fiction. She is looking to acquire character-driven literary and upmarket fiction, memoir, big idea nonfiction grounded in psychological research, and baking cookbooks. She is particularly drawn to narratives involving speculative elements that explore big themes on an intimate and personal level. In both fiction and memoir, she is seeking stories informed by cultural background that go beyond the immigrant experience. She is a graduate of Johns Hopkins University where she majored in Writing Seminars. 


Featured Titles

The Language of the Night
See Loss See Also Love
Of Dice and Men
Dear Chrysanthemums
The Lathe Of Heaven
Last Updated: July 22, 2024