Priscilla Painton Vice President, Editor-in-Chief Simon & Schuster
About the Editor
Priscilla Painton
Priscilla came to publishing in 2008 after 28 years as a journalist, and her numerous best sellers show not just her passion for being ahead of the story, but also for revealing what’s behind it. She has published books by Hillary Rodham Clinton (What Happened, The Book of Gutsy Women also with Chelsea Clinton) and by John Bolton (The Room Where It Happened), as well books that dig deep into big corporations (Kochland by Christopher Leonard), Supreme Court showdowns (Supreme Ambition by Ruth Marcus), Russian treachery (Bill Browder’s Red Notice), class in America (Janesville by Amy Goldstein), and even First Ladies, including Michelle (about Michelle Obama) by Liza Mundy The Art of Her Deal (about Melania Trump) by Mary Jordan, and The Triumph of Nancy Reagan by Karen Tumulty.