About the Editor

Sareena Kamath is an editor publishing SFF, speculative, horror, and genre-bending fiction of all kinds, but especially those projects which shed light on underrepresented perspectives, take place outside Western contexts, and grapple with contemporary sociocultural themes and radical politics without sacrificing satisfying storytelling. She comes to Saga Press from Zando, where she published Samantha Allen’s Patricia Wants to Cuddle, New York Times bestseller Alaina Urquhart’s The Butcher and the Wren, Gerardo Sámano Córdova’s Monstrilio, and Elaine U. Cho’s Ocean’s Godori. Previously, she was at Little, Brown and Company/Mulholland Books.
Editorial Interests:
- Genre novels with clear leftist, abolitionist, and anticapitalist politics, written accessibly
- Grounded, genre-bending speculative fiction that blurs the lines of traditional sci-fi, fantasy, and horror or cleverly subverts genre conventions
- Stories with interesting/ disruptive storytelling strategies—those that play with temporality and nonlinear frameworks
- Diasporic/migrant perspectives, borderlands narratives (especially if not solely focused on the US/Mexico border)
Not her preference:
- Historical settings
- Mythological retellings, especially Roman/Greek
- Law enforcement protagonists, politically conservative narrators, procedurals