
Colin Harrison Vice President and Editor-in-Chief Scribner

About the Editor

Editor photo of Colin Harrison

Colin Harrison, Vice President and Editor-in-Chief at Scribner, is interested in thrillers, literary fiction, biography, history, politics/current affairs, and science. Some of his recent Scribner books include: The Future of Geography by Tim Marshall (as well as his earlier Prisoners of Geography), Cold People by Tom Rob Smith, War and Punishment by Mikhail Zygar, His Majesty’s Airship by S. C. Gwynne, and The Darkness Manifesto by Johan Eklöf. Forthcoming books include Cahokia Jazz by Francis Spufford, Shanghai by Joe Kanon, and Punishing Putin by Stephanie Baker. Notable previous titles include Light Perpetual by Francis Spufford, Better to Have Gone by Akash Kapur, Cuba: An American History by Ada Ferrer, The Berlin Exchange by Joe Kanon, Undermoney by Jay Newman, The Guarded Gate by Daniel Okrent; The Red Sparrow series by Jason Matthews; The Short and Tragic Life of Robert Peace by Jeff Hobbs (Winner of the Los Angeles Times Book Prize); Rebel Yell and Empire of the Summer Moon (finalist for the Pulitzer Prize) by S.C. Gwynne; and Inside of a Dog by Alexandra Horowitz.


Featured Titles

Punishing Putin
Cahokia Jazz
The Future of Geography
The Short and Tragic Life of Robert Peace
Empire of the Summer Moon
Inside of a Dog
Last Updated: March 12, 2025