Kathryn Belden Vice President and Editorial Director Scribner
About the Editor

Kathryn Belden, Vice President and Editorial Director, joined the staff at Scribner in 2015. She is interested in the breadth of the American experience, which she pursues through fiction, nonfiction, and poetry acquisitions. Her engagement with all books begins with voice. Some of the categories in which she works include literary fiction, history, social and cultural history, race and gender, nature and environment, narrative nonfiction, graphic works, poetry, as well as memoir and biography. Some of the writers she has worked with include Roz Chast, Jessica B. Harris, Mitchell S. Jackson, Nora Krug, Kiese Laymon, Airea D. Matthews, Ricardo Nuila, Tom Perrotta, Sam Sax, Lisa See, Sarah Smarsh, Jesmyn Ward, John Edgar Wideman, Kate Zernike, among many others. Previously she worked at Bloomsbury, Four Walls Eight Windows, and Harmony Books/Crown Publishers.